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From me to me

The longer you live the more you realize that in life, misery is the whole journey and happiness is just little stops here and there. Thus, enjoy your stops as long as you visit them because the next call to depart is shorter than the time between two heartbeats. It happens, sometimes at the speed of light. In some stops, you can’t even put a foot on it؛ the platform is smaller than the distance between the body and the soul, and you can barely glance at it.

Demanding to live in a stop is a first-class ticket to a non-stoppable journey that leads to the six-foot-under station.

Seeing all these sad faces on the journey lets you know that there is less to lose when you are unhappy, there is security in staying low, less distance to fall and break something inside you.

Don’t keep an eye on a previous stop, so you don’t miss the next one. No past revisit, no second guesses, just keep moving forward.

Sincerely yours,


Abdullah H.
